Getting Started

For a quick guide on enrolling your child into St Anne’s, there are a few steps you need to go through to make sure the process is as smooth as possible for everyone.

This service operates as an “approved service” under the Australian Government’s Family Assistance Law.

To meet the Australian Government’s aims of helping families who are most in need and supporting the safety and wellbeing of children at risk, children may be prioritised for enrolment if they are:

  • At risk of serious abuse or neglect
  • A child of a sole parent who satisfies, or parents who both satisfy the activity test for paid employment.

As well, in relation to ‘priority of placement’, the Centre Director and Administration will also consider the date of application, age of the child, days and room required (baby room, toddler room, preschool room), with further consideration given to siblings, children of Centre Staff, and children of staff who work in any one of the Catholic schools or Crowley Care Services within the St Francis Xavier Parish.

For detailed information on Child Care Subsidy go to the Australian Government’s Services Australia website: (previously Dpt of Human Services)

For more information about enrolment ask for the St Anne’s Enrolment Policy and Fees Policy.

Step 1

If you are interested in enrolling your child at St Anne’s, complete the form below. We will then progress entry of your child’s name onto the Centre’s Waiting list. You will then be contacted when an appropriate place is available. Alternatively, we invite you to phone us for more information.

Step 2

Phone St Anne’s to arrange an appointment for a tour of the Centre. The Centre Director or the Centre’s Administrative Assistant will walk you through the Centre to give you a vision of the environment,  for you to get a sense of the ‘feel’ of it, and to answer any questions you may have.  You may then progress the ‘Request for Enrolment Form’.


Step 3

Phone or email for a personal interview with the Director if you would like to discuss the Centre’s programs, policies or any other aspect related to the care of your child in a personal meeting.

Step 4

If an enrolled place is offered you will need to collect an Enrolment package from the Centre and make the required ‘bond’ payment. The following will need to be returned to the Centre prior to your child’s start date:

  • Your child’s Enrolment Form (on-line form-access guidelines will be given to you)
  • Your child’s up-to-date Immunisation record
  • Birth Certificate (if not already at the Centre)
  • Any medical/developmental assessments or reports related to your child
  • Evidence of the need for special dietary requirements
  • Child Care Subsidy details form
  • Court Orders / Custody documents (if applicable)

Request for enrolment 2023

Child Details

First Name
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Parent One Details


Parent Two Details


MM slash DD slash YYYY
Days Required
Please complete if you require specific days

Please tick the box which best describes your situation in relation to Child Care Subsidy and prioritising your child for enrolment:

Please indicate if any of the following are applicable to you or your partner:

Parent 1
Parent 2
How did you find out about us?

Form submitted by:

MM slash DD slash YYYY